Hey there! I just wanted to quickly mention a few things about the information on my site, Tech Hexa.

While I do my best to share helpful tips and news, please know that nothing here is professional advice. I’m just sharing what works for me! Be sure to think critically and do your own research before taking any action.

Also, there are links to other websites throughout Tech Hexa. I try to only link to trustworthy sources but just know that I don’t have control over those other sites. Their privacy policies and disclaimer info could be different from mine. So make sure to check out their terms if you visit any of the linked sites.

And if you ever have questions or concerns about anything on Tech Hexa, please feel free to shoot me. I’m always happy to chat!

By continuing to use Tech Hexa, you understand this disclaimer. And if I ever need to update it, I’ll be sure to post the changes here.

Okay, now let’s get back to the tech tips and news!