How to Disable Dictionary on Mac?


For Mac users, the built-in dictionary feature can be both a useful tool and, at times, a potential distraction. While it allows quick word definitions and access to synonyms or antonyms, there are instances when it might disrupt your workflow. If you find the dictionary feature more of a hindrance than assistance, consider disabling it to boost your productivity and maintain focus.

Disabling the dictionary on your Mac can significantly impact your work efficiency. Eliminating this tool from your routine minimizes interruptions and distractions, fostering a more concentrated work environment. In today’s data-driven business landscape, such a step can aid in maintaining focus and accomplishing tasks effectively. If you’re ready to take control of your workflow and optimize productivity, disabling the dictionary on your Mac could be a beneficial move.

How to disable the dictionary on Mac

How to Disable Dictionary on Mac
How to Disable Dictionary on Mac

Disabling the dictionary feature on your Mac is a straightforward process. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

  1. Open System Preferences:
    • Click on the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen.
    • Select “System Preferences” from the drop-down menu.
  2. Access the Keyboard Preferences:
    • In the System Preferences window, click on “Keyboard.”
  3. Navigate to the Shortcuts Tab:
    • Once in the Keyboard preferences, go to the “Shortcuts” tab.
  4. Select Services:
    • On the left sidebar, find and click on “Services.”
  5. Locate and Disable “Look Up”:
    • In the right pane, scroll down to find “Look Up.”
    • Uncheck the box next to “Look Up” to disable the dictionary service.
  6. Close System Preferences:
    • Close the System Preferences window.

Disabling the dictionary on your Mac not only enhances privacy and minimizes interruptions but also contributes to improved system performance. The dictionary feature consumes significant system resources, and on older or less powerful Macs, this can lead to slowdowns. By turning off the dictionary, you free up these resources, leading to a smoother and faster operation of your Mac. This simple adjustment can result in a more efficient and responsive computing experience, particularly if you prioritize speed and performance in your workflow.

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How to Disable the Dictionary On Mac 2023?

If you find the built-in dictionary feature on your Mac causing interruptions and distractions, you can easily disable it. The dictionary feature allows users to look up word definitions by highlighting a word and pressing Command + Control + D. However, if you prefer to streamline your workflow and boost productivity without constant interruptions, disabling the dictionary is a simple and quick process. This adjustment empowers you to stay more focused on your tasks without the distraction of dictionary pop-ups, contributing to a smoother and more efficient work experience.

Method 1: Using Terminal

You can disable the dictionary feature on your Mac using Terminal, a built-in application that enables users to interact with the operating system through text commands. By entering a series of straightforward commands in Terminal, you can easily turn off the dictionary feature and customize your Mac experience to better suit your preferences.

Here are the simple steps to disable the dictionary feature on your Mac using Terminal:

Step 1: Open Terminal

Open the Terminal
Open the Terminal

Go to the “Applications” folder, then navigate to “Utilities,” and select “Terminal.”

Step 2: Enter the command

Once in Terminal, type the following command:

Defaults write ProhibitNewDictionaryPopups -bool true

This command instructs your Mac to disable the dictionary feature.

Step 3: Restart your Mac

After entering the command, restart your Mac to apply the changes.

If you wish to re-enable the dictionary feature later, use the following command in Terminal:

Defaults write ProhibitNewDictionaryPopups -bool false

This command allows dictionary popups on your Mac again.

Method 2: Using System Preferences

how to disable the dictionary feature on your Mac using System Preferences
how to disable the dictionary feature on your Mac using System Preferences

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to disable the dictionary feature on your Mac using System Preferences:

Step 1: Open System Preferences

Click on “System Preferences” from the drop-down menu next to the Apple logo in the top-left corner of your screen. This will open the System Preferences menu where you can customize various settings.

Step 2: Select “Keyboard”

Within the System Preferences menu, click on the “Keyboard” icon. This opens the Keyboard menu, where you can adjust settings related to your keyboard and input devices.

Step 3: Click on “Text”

Inside the Keyboard menu, choose the “Text” tab. This tab houses settings related to text input, such as auto-correction and smart quotes.

Step 4: Uncheck “Correct spelling automatically”

Under the “Spelling” section, uncheck the box next to “Correct spelling automatically.” This option corrects misspelled words as you type and provides suggestions for corrections.

Step 5: Uncheck “Look up & data detectors”

Scroll down to the “Look up & data detectors” section and uncheck the box next to “Look up.” This option controls the dictionary feature, allowing you to look up definitions by highlighting words and using a keyboard shortcut. Disabling this box turns off the dictionary feature.

Step 6: Close System Preferences

After making these changes, close the System Preferences window. The dictionary feature is now disabled on your Mac, preventing definitions or information from popping up when you highlight words or phrases.

Method 3: Using Third-Party Applications

how to disable the dictionary feature on your Mac using System Preferences
how to disable the dictionary feature on your Mac using System Preferences

Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to disable the dictionary on a Mac using third-party applications:

Step 1: Determine which third-party app to use

Start by deciding which third-party app you want to use to disable the dictionary on your Mac. Popular options include NoDictionary, Disable Dictionary, and Dictionary Cleaner, each designed for this specific purpose.

Step 2: Open the App Store

Launch the App Store on your Mac to download and install the chosen third-party app.

Step 3: Search for the App

In the App Store, use the search bar to find the selected app. For instance, if you’ve chosen NoDictionary, search for “NoDictionary” in the App Store.

Step 4: Download and Install the App

Click the “Get” or “Buy” button to download and install the app. Enter your Apple ID and password when prompted to initiate the download.

Step 5: Launch the App

your Mac using System Preferences
your Mac using System Preferences

Once the app is downloaded and installed, launch it using Spotlight or navigate to the Applications folder. In some cases, you might need to restart your Mac before using certain apps.

Step 6: Disable the Dictionary

Open the app and follow its instructions to disable the dictionary. The steps may vary depending on the app, but generally, there will be a button or checkbox to disable the dictionary.

Step 7: Verify that the Dictionary has been Disabled

Confirm that the dictionary has been successfully disabled by opening an application that uses the dictionary, such as Pages or Safari. If the dictionary has been disabled, you should receive an error message indicating that the dictionary cannot be found.

Tips for Optimizing Mac Performance

To boost your Mac’s performance and speed, follow these helpful tips:

Keep your software up to date:

Regularly update your Mac’s software to the latest version, ensuring you benefit from bug fixes and performance enhancements.

Clear your cache:

Improve your Mac’s speed by clearing the cache, which stores temporary files and data. In Safari preferences, choose “Clear History and Website Data” to declutter.

Remove unnecessary apps:

Enhance performance by uninstalling older, unused apps. Simply drag them from the Applications folder to the Trash for easy removal.

Manage your startup items:

Prevent slowdowns by managing automatic startup apps. Navigate to System Preferences > Users & Groups > Login Items to uncheck unwanted apps from launching at startup.

Use Activity Monitor:

Monitor CPU, memory, and energy usage with the built-in Activity Monitor. Identify resource-intensive apps and close them to free up system resources and improve performance.

Optimize storage:

Enhance your Mac’s performance by optimizing storage. Access Apple menu > About This Mac > Storage > Manage to review and delete large files, empty the Trash, and enable “Optimize Storage” for automatic removal of old files and attachments.

Consider hardware upgrades:

If your Mac remains slow, consider hardware upgrades like adding more RAM or switching to an SSD for a significant performance boost.

Final Words

Disabling the dictionary feature on your Mac offers a swift and simple solution to enhance productivity, safeguard privacy, and optimize computer performance. Whether you find frequent pop-ups distracting, prefer alternative reference materials, or are concerned about the privacy of your search queries, there are compelling reasons to turn off the dictionary feature. By following the methods mentioned above, you can regain control of your workflow, eliminate unnecessary distractions, and improve overall efficiency in your work.

FAQs about How to Disable Dictionary on Mac

Here are some FAQs of How to Disable Dictionary on Mac:

Does Disabling the Dictionary Feature Affect Other Apps on Mac?

No, disabling the Dictionary feature should not affect other apps on your Mac. The Dictionary feature is designed to pop up only when you press a specific keyboard shortcut, and disabling it will prevent this from happening. Other apps that may use the Dictionary feature, such as Pages or Keynote, should continue to function normally.

Can I Uninstall Dictionary on Mac?

Unfortunately, you cannot uninstall the Dictionary feature on Mac. It is a built-in component of the Mac operating system and cannot be removed like a third-party app. However, you can disable the feature using the methods described above if you find it unnecessary or distracting.

Why Does the Dictionary Keep Popping Up on Mac?

The Dictionary feature on Mac is programmed to pop up when you highlight a word or phrase and press the Command + Control + D keyboard shortcut. While this can be useful for quick reference, it might be perceived as a distraction by some users.

Will Disabling the Dictionary Affect Other Features?

Disabling the Dictionary feature specifically should not affect other features on your Mac. It primarily deals with the pop-up behavior related to word definitions. Other functionalities and features of your Mac should continue to operate as usual.

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