How To Hide A Camera In Plain Sight? (Creative Ways)


How To Hide A Camera In Plain Sight?: Securing our homes and offices has become pretty crucial these days. I want to keep an eye on my place, watch my kids and pets, and record special moments. So like many people, I decided to install a camera. But I didn’t want an obvious, clunky camera that would attract attention.

The key for me was blending the camera into the surroundings seamlessly. That way I could monitor things without anyone noticing.

First I had to find the right spot. I needed a view of the areas I wanted to watch, but not somewhere too visible. I ended up hiding the camera in everyday items – a tissue box, pen holder, picture frame. Matching the decor helped it totally blend in.

Making sure the camera stayed hidden was important too. I used covers that made it look like a regular household object. The more natural and unsuspicious it appears, the less likely someone will detect it.

With some strategic placement and camouflage, I found I can keep an eye on my property and loved ones without the camera being obvious. Let me know if you have any other tips for concealing cameras effectively!

Best Locations to Hide a Camera in Plain Sight

Best Locations to Hide a Camera in Plain Sight
Best Locations to Hide a Camera in Plain Sight

When I’m setting up a security camera, the location I pick is really important. I need to find a spot that gives the camera a clear view of whatever area I’m trying to keep an eye on. But I also don’t want the camera to stick out like a sore thumb.

So I look for subtle places to conceal it – like tucking it away on a bookshelf, hiding it among some decorations, etc. Basically anywhere that won’t draw people’s attention to the camera right away. I try to blend it into the surroundings as seamlessly as possible.

The goal is to keep the camera hidden while still allowing it to effectively monitor the area I need. With some clever placement, I find I can keep the camera discreet while letting it do its job. Let me know if you have any other tips for concealing cameras effectively! I’m always open to new ideas.


I’ve found that books make great hiding spots for small, covert cameras. If I get a camera that’s roughly the same size and color as my books, it can totally blend right in on the shelf.

When I slip the camera between some books with matching spines, it just looks like another inconspicuous volume up there. No one gives the shelf a second glance or suspects there’s actually a camera hidden among the books.

I make sure not to pick books with flashy or eye-catching covers, since I want the whole shelf to look boring and homogeneous. That helps the camera avoid standing out.

With the right small, subtle camera and some plain book covers, I can easily conceal a camera on a shelf. The books disguise it perfectly while allowing it to unobtrusively monitor the room. Give it a try if you need to sneak a camera into a space!


I’ve found that houseplants with big leaves can perfectly conceal a small camera. Nestling the camera in the foliage means it blends right in.

Teddy Bear

Stuffed animals are great for hiding cameras. I just tuck a tiny camera inside a teddy bear’s soft body. No one suspects that cute fluffy bear is recording!


Hanging a wall clock or placing one on a shelf lets me sneak a small camera inside. The clock disguises the camera well while allowing a view of the room.

Smoke Detector

Installing a camera in a smoke detector on the ceiling goes unnoticed. People expect smoke detectors up there and don’t give them a second look.


Lampshades make subtle camera hiding spots. I secure the camera inside and set the lamp on a desk or table. Blends in perfectly!

Picture Frame

Mounting cameras inside picture frames lets me hang them on the wall inconspicuously. They look like decor but provide camera coverage.

Pen Holders

A camera placed in a pen holder on a desk or table looks unsuspicious. And the pen holder can be carried in a pocket for portable surveillance.

Tissue Box

I hide tiny cameras in tissue boxes set out on shelves or tables. No one suspects the humble tissue box of recording activity in the room!

Wall Outlet

Installing a camera in a wall outlet situated in a strategic spot allows discreet video monitoring. Outlets tend to fade into the background.

Let me know if you have any other creative ideas for hiding cameras! I’m always looking for new techniques.

Creative Ways To Hide Indoor Security Cameras

Keeping my family and home safe is a top priority for me. That’s why I installed some indoor security cameras to help monitor things. But I didn’t want the cameras sticking out obviously – I needed them to stay hidden from view.

Getting creative with hiding spots was key to keeping the cameras covert! I tried out a bunch of unique ways to conceal them in plain sight. Now I can keep an eye on everything without any visible cameras giving it away.

In this post, I’ll share some of my favorite techniques for sneakily hiding indoor security cameras. Whether in the living room, kitchen, or bedroom, I’ve found clever ways to disguise the cameras across the house.

With some inventive placement and camouflage, you can install cameras that blend seamlessly into the background. Let me know if you have any other creative hiding places I should try! I love learning new tips to conceal cameras effectively.

Creative Ways To Hide Indoor Security Cameras
Creative Ways To Hide Indoor Security Cameras

The goal is having cameras that monitor things discreetly without being detected. Here are some of my top hidden camera techniques:

Disguise with Everyday Objects

One trick I use is hiding the cameras in plain sight as normal household stuff. I’ll put them in tissue boxes, books, lamps, picture frames – anything unsuspicious! Blends them in perfectly.

Utilize Camouflage

Camouflage is great for concealing cameras in the open. I use covers that match the surroundings, like patterned cases that blend into the wallpaper. Makes the cameras disappear!

Use a Fake Plant

Fake potted plants are awesome hiding spots. I position the camera in the leaves so it peeks through discreetly. Just looks like greenery decor from a distance!

Hide in the Ceiling

Mounting cameras in ceiling tiles or specialized ceiling models keeps them covert while monitoring below. No one peeks up and notices them there.

Behind a Mirror

I installed cameras behind two-way mirrors, so they see through but aren’t visible from the front. Lets them blend into mirrored surfaces seamlessly.

Inside a Stuffed Animal

Placing cameras in stuffed animals is perfect for keeping an eye on play areas. The toys’ soft bodies conceal the cameras entirely from kids’ eyes!

Use a Fake Outlet

Fake electrical outlets are a go-to for me – I install the cameras inside and position them strategically. They disappear into the outlet naturally.

Inside a Toy Box

Slipping cameras inside toy boxes is an easy way to monitor playrooms covertly. Kids don’t notice them tucked away in their toys!

Conceal with Furniture

Furniture like tables and bookshelves can hide cameras beautifully. I install them inside, acting as discreet eyes on the room.

Let me know if you have any other creative concealment tips! I love learning new ways to hide cameras effectively.

Creative Ways to Hide a Security Camera in Plain Sight Outside

Keeping an eye on the outside areas around my home is crucial too. I want to watch for any sketchy activity and be able to get details like license plate numbers if needed. Outdoor security cameras with night vision allow me to monitor things 24/7.

Finding clever hiding spots for the outdoor cameras has been important so they blend in. I’ve tested out a bunch of stealthy locations to conceal the cameras outside my home. Now I can keep watch without it being obvious that cameras are rolling.

In this post, I’ll share 5 of my favorite outdoor spots I’ve used to hide security cameras discreetly. I try to make the cameras seem like part of the landscape so they go unnoticed.

With strategic placement and camouflage, outdoor cameras can blend right into their surroundings. Let me know if you have any other creative ideas for hiding cameras outside! I’m always looking to improve my covert security system.

Hide a Security Camera in Plain Sight Outside
Hide a Security Camera in Plain Sight Outside

Here are 5 effective outdoor hiding places I recommend trying:



Birdhouses make awesome hiding spots! I installed a camera inside one with just a tiny peephole. It blends in perfectly while letting me discretely monitor things. And it looks cute in the yard!

Garden Gnome


I hid a camera inside a whimsical garden gnome in my flowerbed. With the camera tucked away inside, the gnome looks perfectly ordinary. But it secretly keeps watch!



Floodlight fixtures conceal cameras perfectly. I mounted the camera inside a floodlight or got an integrated floodlight camera. Dual security purpose!



Placing cameras behind bushes or trees is a great way to hide them in plain sight outside. The foliage conceals the camera lens while allowing a clear view.



Installing a camera in my mailbox lets me subtly monitor the yard. I positioned it to capture license plates and anyone approaching discreetly.

These spots blend security cameras seamlessly into my outdoor space. But it’s important I’m using them ethically – only for safety, not invading privacy. I avoided private spots like bathrooms. Hidden cams should only be installed thoughtfully!

Let me know if you have any other creative ideas for discreetly hiding outdoor cameras. I want my home to feel secure, not creepy to guests. It’s a fine line, so I’m always looking to improve.

Which Spy Camera is Best For Concealment?

For super sneaky home surveillance, I’ve found tiny spy cameras are the way to go. They’re designed to be hidden and record discreetly. I can capture crystal clear footage without any visible cameras giving it away.

After testing different models, I’ve narrowed down my favorite concealed spy cameras to use. I’ll share the ones that have worked best for me and my recommendations if you’re looking for covert security cameras.

The key is finding tiny cams that tuck away completely out of sight. My goal is having cameras that blend totally into my home decor and aren’t noticeable to guests.

With the right concealed spy cam, I can keep an eye on things without making it feel like “big brother” is watching! Let me know if you have a favorite type of hidden camera for home security and surveillance.

Here are a few of the top concealed spy cameras I would suggest trying:

Hidden Cameras

Hidden Cameras
Hidden Cameras

Hidden cams disguised as normal objects like clocks, pens, and smoke detectors are awesome. They disappear into the surroundings seamlessly while recording everything. I use them to monitor rooms covertly.

Wireless Cameras

Wireless Cameras
Wireless Cameras

I love wireless cams for their flexibility – I can view the footage from anywhere! The tiny size makes them easy to tuck away out of sight too. Great for discreet home security monitoring.

Body Cameras

Body Cameras
Body Cameras

Body cams are perfect for personal, on-the-go recording. I wear them to capture events hands-free. The small size means they stay hidden and unnoticeable on my clothing.

Night Vision Cameras

Night Vision Cameras
Night Vision Cameras

For outdoor surveillance, night vision cams are a must-have. They use infrared to see in total darkness and capture crisp footage at night outside my home.

Miniature Cameras

Miniature Cameras
Miniature Cameras

Tiny miniature cameras are ideal for hiding in tight spaces. I disguise them as buttons, key fobs, jewelry – anything tiny. They’re super covert!

For me, it’s all about choosing spy cams that suit my needs – indoor or outdoor, wireless capabilities, night vision, etc. I look for ones that completely blend into my home and stay unseen by guests.

Let me know if you have a favorite concealed camera type! I love exchanging tips on the latest discreet security and surveillance tech. Tiny spy cams have made monitoring my home so much more covert.

Final Words

I’ve found that hiding cameras in ordinary spots is a great way to monitor my home while deterring intruders. The key is finding locations that give the cameras a clear view without being obvious.

Whether I’m using tiny spy cams inside or bigger security cams outside, I get creative with the hiding places. That way I can keep watch discretely without ruining the look of my home decor.

It takes some strategic thinking to find spots that are both effective for surveillance and subtle enough to blend in. I hide outdoor cams in things like birdhouses or foliage to make them seem part of the landscape. Indoor cams seamlessly tuck behind mirrors or inside clock faces.

The goal is protecting my property through covert cameras that guests would never notice on their own. With the right discreet placement, I feel safer knowing I can keep an eye on things without disrupting my home’s style.

Let me know if you have any favorite hidden camera spots! I’m always open to new ideas for keeping cameras concealed while still providing security. A little creativity goes a long way in setting up a covert monitoring system.

FAQs About How To Hide A Camera In Plain Sight?

How do you camouflage a camera?

My trick for camouflaging cameras is disguising them as regular objects in the space. I’ll hide one in a houseplant, clock, teddy bear, picture frame – anything inconspicuous! Camouflaging the camera as part of its surroundings helps it blend right in.

Is it possible to Hide A Camera In Plain Sight?

Absolutely, it’s very possible to hide a camera in plain sight if you use the right type. Tiny spy cams are designed specifically to be super discreet. I can conceal them as normal items and monitor things covertly without anyone suspecting.

How can I hide my camera in my bedroom?

For hiding a camera in the bedroom, I go for spy cams that blend seamlessly into the environment. Tucking the camera inside a book, clock, picture, or houseplant on the shelf lets it record discreetly. I also conceal cams behind bedroom curtains or furniture. With the right camouflaged camera, I can keep an eye on things secretly.

The key is using cameras that look innocuous and natural in their surroundings. I disguise both indoor and outdoor cams to appear part of the regular décor. That way, I can monitor my home with total subtlety and avoid drawing attention to the cameras. With the right camouflage tactics, hidden cameras can go totally undetected! Let me know if you have any other tips for concealing cameras effectively.

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